Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Rev Patti "Spirit Unbound"
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
A relentless fatigue of tragedy cannot be sustained, we get exhausted from living on the edge. We must step back, and ground ourselves in our Truth; that God is all there is, and we are One with that. If we want circumstances to change, we must change our thoughts. It is an inside job.
The negativity we see has but one source, our own thoughts. For it is from there that all our experience flows.
So we must be the change, we must reach for the greater life right where we are. We must do what is ours to do, and by that act, we change our part of the world.
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Gino Walker "We are living magnets"
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Like magnets, we draw life to us. Life doesn`t just happen by. We must be active, thriving examples of what we desire. When life looks otherwise, it is our opportunity to expand our consciousness and grow.
Yesterday is gone, why keep one foot back there? When we say we want peace, we must start with ourselves, not what others need to do. Why is what they`re doing bothering you? Start in the mirror, start in your own room, in your own home. God doesn`t recognize a problem, It just says YES! So give Spirit something to grab on to in our lives.
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Rev Patti "Set Yourself Free"
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Freedom is within, it`s not something we "get", it`s something we align with. We are bound by our false beliefs, by our old patterns, but we are the ones who keep us bound. There is nothing "out there" to overcome. The work is done within.
We must give up complaining about problems and conditions, be grounded in gratitude, and fixated with our good. Take responsibility for the things we want to change, not how they got that way, but what is next- THAT we take charge of.
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Rev Patti "Powerful Living"
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
The powerful life is not personal power, not power over others, or imposing our will, it is not a "get" power, it is living from within, living our Truth, our essence.
Life is as available to us as we are to it. We must be in integrity with our word, with our thoughts and with our actions. We do not speak against another, or ourselves! Spirit is right where we are, meeting life.
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Rev Patti "Two Volumes, One Book"
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Life, our lives, the Universe itself, works best when it is in balance. Day/ Night, Active/ Passive, Hot/ Cold- but we have labeled these things are different, as opposites. When in reality, they are aspects of the same expression. Same with our very nature; we are not the ocean, we are the drop that contains all the qualities of the ocean.
And part of our nature is the shadow, that unhealed part that lashes out, that sees lack, or sees fault and attacks it. We are always called to be aware of our shadow, to bring it into the light, to transform it. To use it for our growth. To see where we can be more of the good we wish to see in the world.
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Rev Patti Choice and Change
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Our choices direct our day, which direct our experience of life. We have free will, which is our blessing, and our curse. We must stop viewing choices as "mistakes", and problems, and see them as our part of our evolution. Give ourselves the opportunity to grow.
We live in a universe of infinite possibility, we are never limited by what went before. We say yes, and we step forward. And the path unfolds beneath our feet.
Sunday May 29, 2016
Rev Patti Self Soars
Sunday May 29, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016
From today`s talk: we are meant to soar, to live lives free of pain, to have big experiences. Our spiritual nature is not something to be found, but something to express. It is who we are at our deepest level.
We release the false fears of previous experiences, and focus on what is working, on gratitude, on love, on finding our soul tribe, on living authentically.
Sunday May 22, 2016
Rev Patti "Get Real"
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
The world will tell you "don`t dream big, keep it real". And sometimes this is meant to keep us safe, but it also keeps us small. That`s the voice that can only look at what was, and cannot make the jump to what might be.
And Spirit within us is never bound by what was, or what went before. Every moment is a new opportunity for Spirit to express a greater now. It`s our spiritual practice that aligns us with that power, and keeps us focused. We spend more time on the positive, less time on the negative, and be grateful in every moment, and unleash our FABULOSITY on the world!
Sunday May 15, 2016
Rev Julie Moret "Spiritual Infrastructure"
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
Every day we get glimmers of our authentic self, little knocks at the door that can move us towards ourselves. And if we ignore them, the knocks get louder, until they bash the door down to get our attention.
If we are "efforting" to save something that is already gone, it`s not ours to have, it is ours to learn from, to let go, and move forward from. We get to extend the grace, and our own honesty into our lives, our experiences, and create a better life from that.
Sunday May 08, 2016
Rev Patti The Mom in Me
Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016
We are nurturers, it is our nature. We bring forth that which is calling from within us to be birthed by us; a book, a business, a song or new art, or a child. That is our "love" in action.
Everything is a story, so we can release the story of our childhoods, or we can let the narrative continue to run our lives. The choice is ours.