Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Rev Patti Gratitude Grows
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Looking for simple solutions in the midst of chaos is not where the peace is. Choosing sides does not heal anything. We are called in such times to love deeply, and more fiercely than ever before.
Grace moves through tragedy. We have to look past the conditions and adhere to the truth that God is Good! And good always wins.
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Rev Dr Kathy Hearn "A Grateful Heart"
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
The exchange of 'please' and 'thank you' can be a more conscious experience when we bring ourselves fully present. We must be in Balance with our lives, in order to be in Balance with giving and receiving with others.
The Law of Gratitude says what we to focus on increases. In order to be truly grateful for something, you must see it. So we focus on what is working, on what we love- not on a story of lack!
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Jana Zunich "MMTOOT-ing"
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
The things that happen to us are imbued with the energy of the story we invest in it. Embellishing things to empower our side of the story, only deepens our investment being right, not in being able to free ourselves to move forward.
Gratitude can be as simple as the breath we are taking, and grow it from there.
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Rev Patti "Changing the Future"
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
To ask to be forgiven, shows us how easy it is to make mistakes, and how we would like to be dealt with when we make our own. When we are comfortable asking for it, it gets easier to extend it to others.
We need to drop our "victim" story, and start telling an empowering story of our Hero`s Journey.
When we become the place where love shows up, we become the place where peace is known.
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Rev Sam Flynn "How Peaceful is the Top of the Mountain"
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
What is peace? Surrender, Acceptance, Stillness. It is a quality of God, so it has no opposite. It shows up in varying amounts, but is a constant.
We grow into peace, it is a sense of the divine within. And when we know our divinity, life starts working.
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Rev Patti "Love can do that"
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Core Concept 1: God is all there is. So, Love is all there is. Not God and. Not Love but. Only the active principle of creation and Love is working in our lives.
There is an entire industry working to convince us we aren`t good enough, not well enough, not safe- and that we must "get" something outside of us to complete us. But as soon as we look outside for something we think we don`t have, we`re off the tracks.
Love alone can overcome fear, hate and loneliness and transform our lives.
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Rev Patti "It`s the Journey"
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
The joy is in the journey, not in the destination. We choose joy all along the way.
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Rev Patti "The F Word"
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Betrayal blindsides us and attacks the illusion that we are in control of our lives. And as long as we hold onto the story of that betrayal, we will continue to feel angry and hurt.
Forgiveness does not release the other person for their part in the situation, it does not condone their behavior- it allows us to release it so we can be free to live without that story. It has nothing to do with the other person.
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Peter Bolland "Your 3 Treasures"
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Life is the great unfolding. It is ours to move into position with cooperative accord. Busy-ness leaves us isolated and removed from our connectedness and intuition.
Jesus said to love your enemy, because it`s impossible- it allows us to see the oneness in everyone.
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
William Aura "Playing for Change"
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
What one person can do, when they let the Universe move through them.
Life may take you in unexpected directions, but it leaves you with abilities and experiences you never expected.