Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Rev Patti Paris - "The Sun, The Moon and the Truth"
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Fake it till you make it. We do affirmations knowing our Truth, regardless of any present "facts". We are narrating the story of our lives, and we can change it any time from a tragedy, or melodrama to a victorious triumph over incredible odds.
We start with affirmations because everything begins in mind. But it cannot stay there, our ideas must find expression in the affairs of our lives or they are nothing more than idle fancy. Divine intelligence knows what to do, and impresses that knowledge upon us as the activity that is ours to do.
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Peter Bolland - "Fathering Energy"
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
The 5 Qualities of Inner Fathering are Courage, Quietude, Consistency, Competence and Kindness.
It takes courage to be loving and compassionate. quietude allows us to discover solutions in the silence, competence/ doingness- the opposite of helplessness, kindness is nurturing the best in others.
Are these qualities latent and hidden in our daily practice of life? Or do we embody them?
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Rev Savanna Riker - "Sacred Amidst the Shadows"
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
How do we embrace chaos and challenge in the midst of conflict? We must be willing to look at it for starters.
Often we look outside ourselves for validation, which is ego validation. We must strip away the outer barriers of accepted "fact", and see the Truth.
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Rev Patti Paris - "Spirit as Powerful You"
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Spiritual power is our nature. As children, we had no doubt of the flow of divine energy in our lives. We were powerful, creative, energized and loved. Then, the Voice of the World crept in, with its critical, condemning obnoxious attitudes. And we built a wall to keep that stuff out. But at the same time, we often wall off our power, too.
We then fall into the habit of trying to control outside effects in order to regain what we believe is lost. But we don`t have to "get", or "find" anything- we simply have to unleash what is already the I AM of us!
Sunday May 31, 2015
Rev Patti Paris - "The Energy of Change"
Sunday May 31, 2015
Sunday May 31, 2015
We must engage in the energy of change, willingly participate in transformation in order to direct the change. It is going to change, that is guaranteed. Everything begins in mind. The energy of thought is then transformed into the activity of life.
Choices require us to surrender; we must give up all the other options, give up the idea of our plans, which give way to something beyond our current possibility.
Sunday May 24, 2015
Rev. Patti Paris - "Think Back, Look Ahead"
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
Be here, think back, but don`t "look" back; that implies we are focused in the past. Our power is here, tomorrow`s seeds are planted today. We observe the past to see where our consciousness was, what led to our current set of circumstances.
When we know our wholeness, there is nothing to hinder us but our own disbelief, which is a thought we can change. We affirm our good, our potential, regardless of the current situation.
Sunday May 17, 2015
Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn - "Take Back Your Power"
Sunday May 17, 2015
Sunday May 17, 2015
Our essential beingness is I AM. We are unique. Nothing is broken, nothing is missing. We are abundant energy, perfectly expressing Divine Intelligence in all ways, on all levels.
Yet, we give our power away to lesser thoughts that do not support us. The 3 Ds: Death, Deficiency, Debt. The fear that life ends, that I AM not enough, that I owe, or am owed. We send our power away, and indulge in thoughts that do not support us. We are free, at any moment, with any thought, to change that idea, and reclaim our power.
Sunday May 10, 2015
Rev. Patti Paris - "A New Me"
Sunday May 10, 2015
Sunday May 10, 2015
The Divine feminine energy is creative, growing, patient, waiting. We are charged with learning, growing, becoming- we are the vessel through which the Universe experiences life. And it is always looking for the next thing.
In order to have something new, we must be willing to release what we have now. We can`t turn the page if we`re stuck on the last chapter. And the story is going to change. So we can embrace it, grow with it, and enjoy the journey- or, we can go kicking and screaming into it. Either way, it is going to change.
Sunday May 03, 2015
Rev. Patti Paris: "A New Thought"
Sunday May 03, 2015
Sunday May 03, 2015
Everything begins in Mind. It is the thought behind the thing that drives it. Realization of a thing proceeds the manifestation of that thing- we must embody a greater idea and make it welcome before it can appear.
The activity is Mind, the Law makes it so. We must be steadfast in our knowing. Absolutely grounded in the greater Truth of our lives, regardless of circumstances or criticism, either from the Voice of the World, or the voice in our head.
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Rev Patti Paris- "To The Moments"
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
We must surrender completely to the moments as they pass, by releasing the judgement of good or bad events. Pain brings us into the present moment, but that`s no way to live. We can make the choice to have nowhere else to be, to be with what is before us, fully aware, always.
Time is a human construct. We know this because we can alter the flow of time in our experience. Being in love, we can miss hours of the clock as our hearts and minds are fully engaged with someone. We can do this anywhere.